PortSIP VoIP SDK Manual for iOS  16.2
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RTP and RTCP QOS functions


(int) - PortSIPSDK::setAudioRtcpBandwidth:BitsRR:BitsRS:KBitsAS:
 Set the audio RTCP bandwidth parameters as the RFC3556. More...
(int) - PortSIPSDK::setVideoRtcpBandwidth:BitsRR:BitsRS:KBitsAS:
 Set the video RTCP bandwidth parameters as the RFC3556. More...
(int) - PortSIPSDK::enableAudioQos:
 Set the DSCP (differentiated services code point) value of QoS (Quality of Service) for audio channel. More...
(int) - PortSIPSDK::enableVideoQos:
 Set the DSCP (differentiated services code point) value of QoS (Quality of Service) for video channel. More...
(int) - PortSIPSDK::setVideoMTU:
 Set the MTU size for video RTP packet. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ setAudioRtcpBandwidth:BitsRR:BitsRS:KBitsAS:()

- (int) setAudioRtcpBandwidth: (long)  sessionId
BitsRR: (int)  BitsRR
BitsRS: (int)  BitsRS
KBitsAS: (int)  KBitsAS 

Set the audio RTCP bandwidth parameters as the RFC3556.

sessionIdThe session ID of call conversation.
BitsRRThe bits for the RR parameter.
BitsRSThe bits for the RS parameter.
KBitsASThe Kbits for the AS parameter.
If the function succeeds, it will return value 0. If the function fails, it will return a specific error code.

◆ setVideoRtcpBandwidth:BitsRR:BitsRS:KBitsAS:()

- (int) setVideoRtcpBandwidth: (long)  sessionId
BitsRR: (int)  BitsRR
BitsRS: (int)  BitsRS
KBitsAS: (int)  KBitsAS 

Set the video RTCP bandwidth parameters as the RFC3556.

sessionIdThe session ID of call conversation.
BitsRRThe bits for the RR parameter.
BitsRSThe bits for the RS parameter.
KBitsASThe Kbits for the AS parameter.
If the function succeeds, it will return value 0. If the function fails, it will return a specific error code.

◆ enableAudioQos:()

- (int) enableAudioQos: (BOOL)  state

Set the DSCP (differentiated services code point) value of QoS (Quality of Service) for audio channel.

stateSet to YES to enable audio QoS, and DSCP value will be 46; or NO to disable audio QoS, and DSCP value will be 0.
If the function succeeds, it will return value 0. If the function fails, it will return a specific error code.

◆ enableVideoQos:()

- (int) enableVideoQos: (BOOL)  state

Set the DSCP (differentiated services code point) value of QoS (Quality of Service) for video channel.

stateSet to YES to enable video QoS and DSCP value will be 34; or NO to disable video QoS, and DSCP value will be 0.
If the function succeeds, it will return value 0. If the function fails, it will return a specific error code.

◆ setVideoMTU:()

- (int) setVideoMTU: (int)  mtu

Set the MTU size for video RTP packet.

mtuSet MTU value. Allowed value ranges 512-65507. Other values will be automatically changed to the default 1400.
If the function succeeds, it will return value 0. If the function fails, it will return a specific error code.