近日,PortSIP (博瞻信息) 为澳大利亚最大的铁路公司昆士兰铁路公司 (www.qr.com.au) 成功交付统一通信解决方案。 昆士兰铁路是澳大利亚最大的铁路公司,拥有一万余名员工,在昆士兰建立、拥有216个站点和6500千米的铁轨。昆士兰铁路自2018年初开始对比测试 PortSIP 与其他竞争对手产品,经过半年的长期测试,博瞻信息以 PortSIP PBX 为核心构造的统一通信解决方案以其卓越的性能,优良的性价比,以及良好的技术支持和定制能力脱颖而出,最终被采用。 PortSIP PBX 是 PortSIP(博瞻信息)历时3年独立自主研发的新一代统一通信解决方案,具有众多独特的功能和特性,满足客户从 [...]
2018年6月5日,领先的下一代统一通信系统开发商博瞻信息 (PortSIP Solutions, Inc.) 宣布他们最新的 PortSIP PBX v9.4.2 正式发布。 功能丰富,强大的、基于软件实现的统一通信系统,为本地部署和云平台所设计 PortSIP PBX v9.4.2 包括如下更新: 允许分别对INBOUND和OUTBOUND [...]
2018年4月5日,领先的下一代统一通信系统开发商博瞻信息 (PortSIP Solutions, Inc.) 宣布他们最新的 PortSIP PBX v9.4 正式发布。 功能丰富,强大的、基于软件实现的统一通信系统,为本地部署和云平台所设计 PortSIP PBX v9.4 包括如下更新: 新增支持 [...]
Feb 2 2018— PortSIP, the software-based Unified Communications Solution and INTERBIT, Greece-based IT Distributor are pleased to [...]
Recently PortSIP announced successful interoperability testing between PortSIP PBX and Htek IP Phones. Htek IP [...]
Dec 8, 2017 — PortSIP Solutions, Inc., developer of the software-based Unified Communications Solution, announces [...]
In recent days, the leading enterprise communication software developer PortSIP Solutions, Inc. has settled agreements [...]
In recent days, Telstra (https://www.telstra.com.au/) signed the procurement contract with PortSIP, officially settled to purchase [...]
PortSIP has sucessfully delivered IMS access for Huawei into Ascend Group upon agreement. Ascend Group [...]
When we talk to small-to-medium businesses (SMB) about their communications needs, several key themes emerge. First of [...]